Zenopolis > Gallery Grabber QED 2 > Media Kit

Gallery Grabber QED 2 Media Kit

Download multiple images from a webpage gallery with a single click

This page contains promotional information and images of Gallery Grabber QED. You are free to use them on your webpage, magazine and other forms of media.

If you need more information or require Mac App Store Promo Codes please contact me via: media @ zenopolis.com.

Media Kit Download: GalleryGrabberQEDMediaKit.zip (17.3 MB)


  • Name:
    Gallery Grabber QED 2
  • Official Webpage:
  • Mac App Store:
  • Price:
    $4.99 (USD) - Free for existing Mac App Store customers.
  • Size:
    5.1 MB
  • Description:
    Gallery Grabber QED 2 is a Mac app that enables you to download images from web based picture galleries. The App’s built in Safari Extension allows you to download multiple images with a single click (there is a Bookmarklet for other browsers to do the same). Works with standard image galleries, including thumbnail galleries, but also includes specific support for DeviantArt, Flicker, imgur, Fotorama and PBase amongst others. Supports Dark Appearance introduced in macOS Mojave.


  • MacOS 10.12.6 (Sierra) or later
  • Safari (for built in app Extension)


Press Release

Wickford, England
May 16, 2022

Gallery Grabber QED 2 is a Mac app from David Kennedy (Zenopolis) that enables you to download images from web based picture galleries. The App’s built in Safari Extension allows you to download multiple images with a single click (there is a Bookmarklet for other browsers to do the same). Works with standard image galleries, including thumbnail galleries, but also includes specific support for DeviantArt, Flicker, imgur, Fotorama and PBase amongst others. Supports Dark Appearance introduced in macOS Mojave.
Gallery Grabber QED 2.0 is priced at $4.99 for macOS 10.12 and up.