Gallery Grabber QED 2 app icon

Gallery Grabber QED 2

Image Download Tool for macOS.
Download webpage galleries with a single click.

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Version 2.0.6

Quick, Easy, Downloads.

Gallery Grabbing made easy.


Drag a gallery page link from your browser to the main interface to download the images to your hard-drive.

See how easy it is to use Gallery Grabber QED 2.


Gallery Grabber automatically determines the type of web gallery that it is downloading, extracting only the gallery images themselves - leaving banners, thumbnails and page design behind.


The built in Safari extension allows the images from the current gallery page to be downloaded with a single click.

For other browsers there is an easy to install Bookmarklet.


Gallery Grabber QED 2 works for many sites including Flickr, DeviantArt, Imgur and the majority of Image Boards, but it doesn't work for all sites.

See website coverage.


Supports the new Dark appearance introduced in macOS Mojave.

Select your preferred system appearance in System Preferences and Gallery Grabber QED 2 will comply.

Getting Started.

Read the following articles to get started...

Take a closer look.

Read the following articles for more information...