CDRevolution is a legacy Mac app that is no longer supported.
This page remains for historical reference.


CD Copy and Archiving for OS X

With its straightforward drag and drop interface: CDRevolution makes copying standard audio and data CDs simple.

Development and support for CDRevolution has finished as of August 2012. CDRevolution is now unsupported freeware. The free Registration Key File for activating CDRevolutuon can be downloaded from the link on the right.

Thanks to everybody who has supported us by purchasing CDRevolution. If you purchased CDRevolution after February 1, 2012 we will be happy to offer you a refund, please get in touch.

Screenshot of CDRevolution

Ideal for copying your Audio CDs for use in the car or on a holiday without the risk of getting the originals lost or damaged.

Data CDs are copied with 1:1 accuracy; perfect for making backups of your most valuable CD-ROMs.

An image file generated from an original CD

If you want to archive CDs, an image of the original CD can be saved to your hard drive. Audio image tracks can be added to iTunes for playback. Audio and data images can be easily found using Spotlight and of course you can burn a copy whenever you need to.

See the visual Quick Start Guide to find out how easy it is to copy CDs with CDRevolution. See the Audio Archiving article for more a more detailed discussion on creating Audio Archives with CDRevolution.

Version 1.13 of CDRevolution is the best version for running under Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. See the Leopard Integration Issues article for more information.


CD Copying

  • Data copies are byte for byte representations of the original
  • Audio copies retain full fidelity of the original
  • Copies CD Text
  • Now copies MCN (UPC/EAN) album codes and ISRC track codes


  • Can save an image (a copy of the CD) to your hard-disk for burning later
  • Can create images from audio CDs as well as data CDs
  • Audio images can be saved with a choice of Apple Lossless Compression or Uncompressed AIFF
  • Album and track tags automatically retrieved and stored with the image file
  • CDRevolution audio image files can be added to and played from iTunes
  • Spotlight integration


  • Burn speed can be controlled via the preferences
  • Can burn CDs using the following image types:
    • CDRevolution CD image (cdrev)
    • disk image (dmg)
    • DVD/CD-R master image (cdr)
    • ISO disk image (iso)
    • cue sheet (cue) with associated binary data (bin)
  • Using tag information you can add CD Text to audio CDs without CD Text
  • Indicates the CD capacity needed for a successful burn based on the current source


Take a closer look at the screenshot gallery.